Sunday, July 10, 2011

New Comics are underway

It's been a while since I've put a comic up and no, I'm not dead. But not to worry for I am working on new ones. As of now most are just some scribbles and doodles on randomly placed papers on my desk.

When can you expect some new comics? I'm guessing in August since I'm struggling with a full calendar at the moment.


Still not making comics :( I do have some good ideas, just need to start drawing them :D

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A years worth

As with most of my projects, I jump in and run ahead making progress like a squirrel on drugs only to find myself in a permanent pace of slacking off after a while. During the last month school work has been a breeze and thus my time could have been divided over my hobbies.
But no, I had to make comics.
The plan was to post a comic every week. For you quick math guys out there that's 52 a year. Now with my earlier explanation of my freshly-started-projects-behavior that turned out to be 52 within a month. For you readers a good thing, for me not so much.

From this moment onwards I will be updating every Monday. Perhaps even do some actual blogging in between, but don't expect to much of that.

Monday, January 24, 2011

[UKD] #52

[UKD] #51

[UKD] #50

[UKD] #49

[UKD] #48

[UKD] #47

[UKD] #46

[UKD] #45

[UKD] #44

[UKD] #43

[UKD] #42

[UKD] #41

[UKD] #40

[UKD] #39

[UKD] #38

[UKD] #37

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[UKD] #35

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[UKD] #33

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[UKD] #25

[UKD] #24

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[UKD] #18

[UKD] #17

[UKD] #16

[UKD] #15

[UKD] #14